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5 Body Positive People and Businesses We Love!

At BPFA we believe in sharing the spotlight to amplify the good work of other individuals and businesses in the fitness industry. Here are 5 folks-to-follow who will uplift your newsfeed. --- Fitness4AllBodies LLC “F4AB teaches fitness professionals to understand how...

What Is Body Positivity

by Simone Samuels, BPFA Board Member and FitPro Body positivity says... My body is a good body, regardless of its size (or race, colour, weight, ability, disability or sexuality and gender expression) or how it looks and shows up in this world. I appreciate my body as...

What Clients DON’T Want To Hear Around The Holidays

So Thursday was Thanksgiving in the United States. Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing… all the fixings and all the desserts and according to (what we at the BPFA refer to as) fit1point0 trainers - all the calories. As a non-fitpro, I have been on the...

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